Model and travel/gourmet reporter
10 min English with DJ Delaina & DJ Mori Luna on Wednesday mornings from 9am on FM Northwave
Live concerts- A unique blend of retro jazz and modern pop joy!
Model and travel/gourmet reporter
About Delaina
"The Voice of Hokkaido"
アメリカ人女性英語ナレーター、レポーター、イベントMCやボーカリストを探しているなら、「北海道の声」と言われるミヤザキデレイナがお勧めです。20年キャリアの中でリピータークライアントが沢山います。JR北海道、JRバス、北都交通、札幌市地下鉄、札幌市市電、藻岩山ロープウェイ、大雪山国立公園映像&ロープウエイ、利尻礼文サロベツ国立公園、TOYOTA、コカ・コーラ、ESTA、など。レポーターと英語イベントMCの仕事はNHKWorld、新千歳空港、北海道観光会ウェビナー、東京2020オリンピック、2017アジア冬季競技大会、2015年世界女子カーリング選手権大会、など。シンガーソングライターとうしてSeicomart「Grandiaコーヒー」CM 曲の作詞とボーカル、株式会社ナガワCM曲の作曲作詞&ボーカル、など。
In a 20-year career as an English narrator, reporter, event MC & vocalist, Delaina Miyazaki has earned a reputation as “the voice of Hokkaido” with an incredible list of repeat clients. For public service announcements and narration she has worked with JR Hokkaido, JR Bus, Hokuto Koutsu (Bus), Sapporo City Subway, Sapporo City Street Car, Daisetsusan National Park, Rishiri Reibun Sarabetsu National Park, Tomoakomai TOYOTA, CocaCola Japan, ESTA, Pivot, Daimaru Fuji Central & more!
As a travel reporter and TV talent, she has been featured in projects for NHK World, TV Tokyo, UHB, HTB, HBC, New Chitose Airport, & the Hokkaido Government Travel Bureau.
Delaina has emceed events for the 2020 Olympics, 2017 Asian Winter Olympics, 2015 Women's World Curling Championship, businesses, webinars, and wedding ceremonies. She works as a part-time lecturer at Universities in Hokkaido.
Delaina has an even longer career as a singer-songwriter. Her original songs have been used in TV commercials for Seicomart, Nagawa Ltd., and for tourism videos. She offers custom songs for weddings, anniversaries, events, influencers, and companies.